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Voting, President and Writing

3 Day 254, 09:53 Published in USA USA

As you know fair readers, the Presidential elections are tomorrow. I encourage you all to vote, even if you have to read a lot of media to figure out the best way to do so. Voting and the political process is one of the reasons we're here in the

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Writing Contest - Vote! (Finally)

9 Day 253, 15:05 Published in USA USA

To all the handsome and beautiful men and women of the new world; my apologies for the day delay, I am trying to get things in order in my "real life". But here is the moment of truth, the voting on the 4 entries for the writing contest. Here are

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Missing in Action

2 Day 251, 13:16 Published in USA USA

Pardon my absence yesterday dear readers, I believe I will be taking every Sunday off, but expect an article 6 days a week. So taking our good presidential candidate's advice, I will post the voting for the contest tomorrow. That means if you want

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Writing Contest question

3 Day 249, 12:02 Published in USA USA

Dearest citizens of this new world. I come to you humbled and dedicated. It seems that my contest brings many readers, but when I talk about my eLife and such, not as many people read. I still would very much like to hear from you what you want me

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Beautiful people

4 Day 248, 08:33 Published in USA USA

To all the beautiful people of eRepublik, thank you so much for your support of my newspaper. Thanks especially to Took for his kind words in his newspaper about what I'm trying to do for the media. I'm simply a humble yet proud man, trying to bring

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