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GM Records V4.0 ~ Ready for exports

7 Day 521, 19:15 Published in Australia Australia

GM records 4.0 has been released. Please see this article for more details

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GM Records V4.0 ~ Ready for export

17 Day 521, 19:04 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

For those of you who have been waiting so patiently for the release of GM Records Online, I was halfway through development and Admin have called it off due to the fact I was not using the API. The reasoning for not using the API is because they read more »

True Blue Party, increasing its 25% of eAussie Pie

17 Day 521, 01:09 Published in Australia Australia

The True Blue Party is yet again contending for a Piece of the Aussie Congressional Pie, sure to add sauce into the debates. We have an extensive list of candidates, who possess a great wealth of knowledge and experience. Following, is a list of read more »

The future belongs to the Proles

10 Day 515, 18:44 Published in Australia Australia

~ Published on behalf of Bleevo Socrate ~

I believe in restoring eAustralia by the way of economic might through corporate partnerships and government programs, strength through unity. A relatively new citizen I was taken under the wing by … read more »

True Blue ~ what has it become?

15 Day 513, 05:20 Published in Australia Australia

When True Blue first started (originally known as WR in the UK) I had close contact with all my employees and rewarded them regularly for their loyalty to the company. As TB has expanded over the past months, I have seen it move away from this "

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