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A Manifesto of Sorts

15 Day 580, 13:28 Published in Philippines Philippines

Hello Fellow Citizens of the Philippines.

You may recall that last month I stepped down from Congress to aid Germany in their battle against imperialism. There was a certain amount of outrage, and at that time I pledged not to run for re- … read more »

Join The Philippine Naval Fleet

10 Day 577, 02:57 Published in Philippines Philippines

Seems I can not stay retired for long. I love the Philippines and I love our military, which is why I have taken on the slightly less stressful and time consuming job of Commanding Officer of the Philippine Naval Fleet. But our military is nothing

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Don't Believe Rumours

11 Day 574, 09:23 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

1. I have never been to Ireland.
2. I was not involved in any way in RRS robbery of the Bank of England. I did however find it hilarious.
3. I am not bitter about the UK, I was bored. These two things are not mutually exclusive.
4. The

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Help Germany

18 Day 557, 04:01 Published in Philippines Philippines

A Plea

I am no longer the Director of Defense and Supreme Commander of the Invincible and Untouchable Armed Forces of the Philippines, due to real life commitments, and so this can not be considered an official order. However, I am still a … read more »

HazzN: Getting To Know Me

13 Day 551, 14:39 Published in Philippines Philippines

I haven't written a manifesto, mostly because I have no intention of adding pointless bureaucracy to our nation. Red tape slows things down. However, I am a keen debater, I like to play devils advocate, and I will be a good contributer to the

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