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The Independent Theocratic Republic of Ontario

19 Day 828, 20:37 Published in Canada Canada

First I'd like to thank Ontario for re-electing me for a fourth consecutive congressional term. I did no campaigning, not in the slightest, and had originally intended not to run for office at all, before certain circumstances arose that forced me

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The CPF moves on, despite setbacks

8 Day 823, 09:57 Published in Canada Canada

Okay, as much as the party would have liked this to stay quiet, anyone who regularly reads the media should know that Acacia Mason quit the Party Presidency and the CPF itself, resigning all his positions. The reasoning is over a spat with Jbdivinus

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It is Only a Game

10 Day 822, 21:55 Published in Canada Canada

Let's all take a deep breath...and release...

The only burning happening is in hell

"...Pretty hot down here."

And Jesus is the only one

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We have enough Infrastructure

9 Day 821, 19:47 Published in Canada Canada

Infrastructure: We Haves Enuff


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Defend Turkey! Fight in the Mediterranean Coast of Turkey!

24 Day 817, 20:31 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria

Dear Phoenix Friends,

Greece has attacked Turkey here and we need your help! This is Turkey's last Q5 hospital and has a population of over 2000 people. If we lose it, Turkey is as

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