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지극히 개인적인 블로그 스타일 거의 이벤트용 신문
Strictly personal, blog-style, pretty much exclusively for events newpaper


3 Day 815, 22:19 Published in South Korea South Korea

Right now, eSouth Korea suffers from low wellness.

Low wellness in workers in the country leads to less productivity, which in turn

turns into less profit for the company owners.

So it's only good for the upper class, eh? NO

It's also

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Art#27 Korea... Free?

13 Day 780, 09:11 Published in South Korea South Korea

I have read the news only recently and wow...

The theocrats are leaving...

We'll miss you! lol

I'll probably return by the time the presidential elections take place.

Vote me president! XD

Just kidding, but I will return, mark my word.

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Art#26 Company for newbies

11 Day 763, 23:37 Published in South Korea South Korea

Korhal Foods is hiring for all of those with level 0 production.

I am losing money in the process, but I will do this for the newbies that accidentally started in eSK

without knowing the situation.

So If you are new and can't get a job

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Art#25 드디어 시작 했습니다...

10 Day 750, 23:54 Published in South Korea South Korea

e리퍼블릭에는 메뉴얼을 위키 방식으로 만들어 놓았습니다.

지금까지는 한글로된 위키는 없었으나, 제가 어제 부터 시작했습니다!

아직 두글밖에 번역을 하지 못했지만(메인과 튜토리얼)

조금만 더 기다리시면 제가 나머지도 최대한 빨리 번역하겠습니다.


한글 위키메인

최신 e뉴스가 한글로 올라오는

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Art#24 A Long Overdue Projet of Mine

18 Day 750, 23:49 Published in South Korea South Korea

Finally started working on translating the wiki to Korean.

So far, I've completed 2 pages. (main page & tutorial)

Not so impressive, but the tutorial page took more than I thought it would take.

Also, I'm a 1.5 gen immigrant, so it

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