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[MoD] Day 2,305 - Sjaelland/Denmark [Tanks4Danes&Deutsche]

64 Day 2,305, 07:23 Published in Denmark Denmark Battle orders Battle orders


the liberation of Sjaelland successfully took place, union orders are restored.

However: Yesterday, a hostile (yet not exactly unexpected) step was taken to disturb love, … read more »

[MoD] Day 2,302 - Sjaelland/Denmark [Tanks4Danes]

16 Day 2,301, 22:24 Published in Denmark Denmark Battle orders Battle orders


after our wipe has been completed just a few hours ago, our re-liberation has already begun: A resistance war has been raised in Sjaelland - we intend to win there to restore … read more »

[MoD] Day 2,299 - Nordjylland/Germany

0 Day 2,299, 16:15 Published in Denmark Denmark Battle orders Battle orders

hey Germark,

same stuff, different day. :3 Germany is currently wiping us, as we're holding to many regions. If you want, you can fight for Denmark to gather some TP damage, but … read more »

[MoD] Day 2,298 - Syddanmark/Germany

2 Day 2,298, 12:42 Published in Denmark Denmark Battle orders Battle orders

hey Germark,

unfortunately, it wasn't possible for us to let the most recent Danish RWs fail. However, as five regions are way too many for a PTO-threatened nation like ourselves, we' … read more »

[MoD] Day 2,294 - Nordjylland/Germany

2 Day 2,294, 07:57 Published in Denmark Denmark Battle orders Battle orders

hey Germark,

as you probably already noticed, people are starting RWs in Danish cores, given that Germany is a bit busy fighting against both Slovenia and Austria.

We actually don' … read more »