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And I Will: RWR Party President Candidacy Declaration

2 Day 566, 19:38 Published in Austria Austria

It's an odd moment when you look across the horizon, realize that you are the one that is needed most, and know then that to sit lazily by would be an injustice to the nation you care about.

I am joining the candidacy for Party President of Rot

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Party Presidencies

1 Day 565, 19:51 Published in Austria Austria

Well, I'm going to endorse a candidate for the PSP. I realize I'm not a member of the PSP and there is no reason why I should be supporting a candidate from there, but I think that if it is going on in my country it is in my jurisdiction. Why?

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A Couple Words

3 Day 564, 14:39 Published in Austria Austria


Be aware that I do read all of my comments. It's a great way for you to communicate ideas to me and with each other. So please, comment away!

On my list of things to do, first is the issue of regions. Expect a development in the next

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The Ministers

14 Day 564, 00:27 Published in Austria Austria

Firstly, I'd like to thank all of you that voted for me! I'm excited to test Austria's potential and see how far we, as a nation, may advance!

As of the moment, my Ministers are as such:

Minister of Defense - Metallon
Minister of Finances -

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20 Day 561, 12:15 Published in Austria Austria

Firstly, I want to emphasize the fact that I don't write articles to slander my opponents. I write them to keep you informed. I want to be President because I believe myself to be the best option. In the event that I lost, I would continue being a

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