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The Quibbler contains articles written by Flitwick.

New President Equals New Times

14 Day 1,258, 09:18 Published in Sweden Sweden Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

It is no secret that Norsefire had a horrible congress election on the 25th of April and the reasons for this are many.

To begin with, we have not had a very visible month. I am not even sure we wrote a single article and even though we had four

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The Low Price Experiment

40 Day 1,257, 09:32 Published in Sweden Sweden Financial business Financial business

For a very long time, Spirn and I have spent a lot of SEK on buying up the iron market, so prices of 0.50 SEK was the minimum. The reason for doing so was to stop the rapidly falling market prices.

Today, April 30th 2011, this will change.

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Admin Sends Global Economy Into Ruins

14 Day 1,215, 08:22 Published in Sweden Sweden

A few hours after my last article was published, the admin made sure that nothing I had written would become true.
He had finally made it worthwhile having employees in raw material companies, but with one very stupid move, this was reversed and

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Dear Mr. Plato - You're Almost There

18 Day 1,213, 07:21 Published in Sweden Sweden

This could be seen as an open letter to our admin, but as I am sure he does not read this article, the title is more for show.

So, what do I want to address this time?
The changes that has been made in the game the past week.


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Is eSweden only for Swedes?

51 Day 1,187, 05:39 Published in Sweden Sweden

Hej, mit navn er Flitwick og jeg kommer fra Danmark.
Did all of you understand this? I think not. All the Danes would, most of the Swedes should, same goes for the Norwegians, but what about everyone else?
Unless you know Danish or use google

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