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8 Day 347, 19:54 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

I hearby resign my position as the United Slav's party Presidential Candidate. I desired to serve only two terms as the leader of this nation and I plan on going through with those words. I will remain Party President and will continue to run in

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United Lumber

3 Day 332, 22:50 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

I will be creating Czech's first Lumber company in an attempt to help our growing food businesses when I finish my work tonight in my housing job. Salaries will be negotiable and I will attempt to keep prices fair for our Housing markets.I will be

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Presidential Powers

9 Day 332, 00:18 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

I would like to inform people of the new presidential powers that've been established in V1. There seems to be some confusion as to what I can and cannot do.
I can change a letter sent out to new citizens. I can attempt to

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Wood Company

2 Day 329, 14:04 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

I am thinking of starting a company in Prague/Northern Bohemia that specializes in the territory's resource of lumber. No other area in the Czech Republic has this resource and it will be beneficial to set something up.
The value of 

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Romanian Trade

28 Day 325, 14:40 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

Greetings ladies and Gentlemen.

I have removed our trade agreement between Romania and have informed them of the cause. We are gaining no money from this trade and the low tax is effecting our own economy. Later down the line I will probably re-

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