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War Games - next battle update!

9 Day 583, 02:46 Published in Ireland Ireland

Dear Irish citizens,

A new battle will be launched the 25th of June at approximately 12.00 Erepublik time, for your maximum convenience and war game pleasure.

This battle will take place on Rhode Island, USA.

Make sure that

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War Games - next battle update!

10 Day 581, 03:04 Published in Ireland Ireland

Dear Irish citizens,

A new battle will be launched the 23rd of June at approximately 12.00 Erepublik time, for your maximum convenience and war game pleasure.

This battle will take place on Rhode Island, USA.

No special

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War Games - next battle update *UPDATE*

25 Day 578, 14:27 Published in Ireland Ireland

Dear Irish citizens,

A new battle will be launched the 21st of June at approximately 08.00 Erepublik time. I know this is quite an awkward time, but popular request made this out as the most ideal time, since I can't promise availability

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The UK war...the real deal

50 Day 576, 14:48 Published in Ireland Ireland

Dear Irish citizens and everyone else participating in this 'war'..

I will offer some clarity on the recent events, although Dishmcds has already described it quite good [url=

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The British Invasion begins!! A call to arms!

100 Day 576, 05:20 Published in Ireland Ireland

Dear Irish citizens,

I'll just get straight to the point. The United Kingdom has declared war on us. The motivation behind this is more than likely the constant pleading for Northern Ireland by certain people who'se names I won't mention

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