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SledDog for Congress in Newfoundland & Labrador

1 Day 700, 14:19 Published in Canada Canada

I am running for Congress as a Canadian National Coalition candidate in Newfoundland & Labrador. This will be my third run for Congress. I have been elected from Prince Edward Island on both previous occasions, and I like to think that I have been a

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Strange Doings In Georgia

2 Day 697, 00:37 Published in Canada Canada

This report has just come in of strange events in a part of Georgia that looks suspiciously like Philadelphia in 1776.

(For your amusement after

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I'm A Sell-out

5 Day 693, 03:51 Published in Canada Canada

Please be sure to check for fighting instructions from>Canadian National Defense. There are now Training Wars every day so there is no excuse for not improving

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The Impeachment and Me

7 Day 690, 02:10 Published in Canada Canada

This piece involves a lot of politics so if you get bored by reading about a lot about politics, feel free to give up on this article, but not until you read the rest of this paragraph. Please be sure to check for fighting instructions from

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No War For A While Longer

22 Day 683, 03:01 Published in Canada Canada

We are supposed to be participating in a training war involving Malaysia and the Philippines, which was to have started on Friday. The real world has thrown the kybosh on that plan. In the real world the Philippines has been hit by one typhoon -

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