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Congress and the Dialectic Process

7 Day 739, 14:49 Published in Canada Canada

I'm back again to write about Congress. I figure that If I can't be in it I might as well write about what's going on there and what I think and would do if I were still in Congress. It's the next best thing to being there. Oh who am I fooling -

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Concession Statement

4 Day 737, 00:58 Published in Canada Canada

The votes have been cast and it seems that I will not be granted the privilege of serving the people of Saskatchewan and Canada as a member of Congress for this coming term. Wow, losing the election and getting my H1N1 flu shot ... not exactly a

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I Need Your Votes

8 Day 736, 19:01 Published in Canada Canada

I want to go back to Congress, but I need your votes to get me back there. Please vote SledDog in Saskatchewan!!!

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Did You Know?

12 Day 735, 23:42 Published in Canada Canada

Did you know:

That sometimes it is cheaper to have an MPP with a country than it is to send troops? True. If the average price of a Moving Ticket is greater than $7.58 CAD it is cheaper in gold to establish an MPP with a country

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SledDog For Saskatchewan - November 2009

3 Day 730, 00:30 Published in Canada Canada

I am running for Congress in Saskatchewan for the Canadian National Coalition. This will be my fourth time running for Congress and if successful my fourth term in Congress.

There are probably better places to run for Congress than

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