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and here it goes again...

11 Day 1,194, 23:09 Published in Australia Australia

Theme song:

Today is becoming a busy day. Illegally banned from the [url= more »

The new power grab. Admins taking power from the senate speaker

16 Day 1,194, 22:30 Published in Australia Australia

The elites have once again came up with a sneaky plan to grab power, but im on to them. The elites know they will no longer be speaker at the end of this month, so what are they doing to maintain power over the senate? They are diverting all speaker

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Wally Wilson abuses his admin status on the forums for an 11th time. [updated]

14 Day 1,194, 21:12 Published in Australia Australia

Update: Im unbanned on the forums now, but still banned from the senate. Still without an IG finding me guilty of anything, still without a motion by all the other senators to ban me. These people are ridiculous

When will this guy learn?

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The referendum on the constitution is in

15 Day 1,194, 18:26 Published in Australia Australia

And the answer is a big fat NO.

Australians have voted no to this ridiculous constitution by voting for ANP senators to make up 50% of the senate.

Now the work starts to repeal this pile of junk constitution.

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Another Month, Another Elite takeover.

11 Day 1,188, 00:01 Published in Australia Australia

Theme song:

Another Month, Another Elite takeover. It amazes me how each and every month the elites mange to somehow destroy the country or some how take over the country.

We all remember past … read more »