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New Org, SRM Capital

0 Day 677, 10:20 Published in USA USA

To facilitate our sale of Q1 weapons on the black market, we opened another org at MasterGerund's expense. The new Org is called SRM Capital, and Ninja Weapons has been transferred to SRM Capital. Shareholders will receive proceeds from both orgs,

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Round 2 Week 3 Letter from the Chairman

2 Day 675, 12:37 Published in USA USA

Greetings to my friends and investors!

I'll get the bad news out first. We have elected not to pay a dividend this week. There are two reasons for this. First, we had a couple of close calls with cash reserves for wages being too low, and with

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New Company Purchased - TH Travel

0 Day 669, 10:04 Published in USA USA

The money from the sale of Healthy Hamburgers was used to acquire TH Travel, a Q1 Moving Tickets company in Louisiana. It was acquired for 21 gold. It had a stock of 8 MT, 93 oil, and about 90 USD. That's a bonus value of about 3.6 gold. It has

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Round 2 Week 2 Letter from the Chairman

2 Day 668, 12:00 Published in USA USA


This week was a bit slower. It took a couple of days to get Ninja Swords up to employment, because the labor supply in eDenmark is almost perfectly balanced with the demand. We are still working on reaching the optimum pricing level.

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Round 2 Week 1 Letter from the Chairman

2 Day 660, 11:39 Published in USA USA


I would like to welcome all my new investors. I hope you find your experience with us to be excellent. For all those that missed out, I apologize, there was stronger demand than I was expecting. After these shares expire, there will

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