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The Unity Party - February Congress Candidates

9 Day 462, 11:45 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Tomorrow is the big election day, and I hope you all will be voting for a candidate that best represents you. We urge all citizens of eUK to read the manifestos of the candidates, and think carefully before placing your vote. To be a good Congress

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The Unity Party says: Vote Malta_1990

8 Day 452, 11:41 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

This is a strange turn of events. Last month we saw a large number of party members running for the President position. This month however, we have only Malta_1990.

Some moan about the complete lack of choice, begging someone else to run just to

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Where were YOU when Final Destiny won?

16 Day 445, 11:38 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

The Unity Party would like to formally congratulate Final Destiny, on what was an astounding win for the Coalition, and perhaps an iconic moment in eUK history. With 62% of the vote, the election on the 5th February, can only be considered a

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TUP Supports The Coalition

2 Day 441, 02:22 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Despite the hard work being put into the manifesto of The Unity Party, it has quickly become apparent that as a single party, we can not win the Country Presidential Election. It concerns us that as a party, our ideals and plans for the future, are

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10 Day 437, 13:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Yes you heard me correctly.

This Sunday, a team from TUP will go up against MDU in an epic battle of trivia and general knowledge to decide once and for all who is the best Center-left party of them all. The questions will cover a anything and

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