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Manifesto for Party President(India United) [ArjaaAine]

1 Day 541, 23:11 Published in India India

Hello Everyone!

As all the Members of India United may know, I am running with shail.back as the party president of India United.

Its my first time running for Party President, but I am not inexperienced. I have been involved in eIndia for

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Minister of Economics- Official Statement

8 Day 491, 10:15 Published in India India

Congrats eIndia on a Victory well deserved

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[IMPORTANT] Presidential Election Debacle....

0 Day 471, 01:50 Published in Romania Romania

Presidential Elections just started and will the BUGS ever leave?

According to wiki, only the candidates from the top 5 parties can stand as country president. We have 7 parties in eIndia and the top 5s candidates show here...

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[IMPORTANT] Presidential Election Debacle....

21 Day 471, 01:48 Published in India India

Presidential Elections just started and will the BUGS ever leave?

According to wiki, only the candidates from the top 5 parties can stand as country president. We have 7 parties in eIndia and the top 5s candidates show here...

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Our Media is Dead??? lol

7 Day 468, 01:13 Published in India India

Usually we have soo many articles in the Media.

What happened people? Post some articles. We need to show the eWorld and the new comers that we are not inactive...

Post some random stuff, or anything but lets get Writing......

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