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Lottery Results!

2 Day 1,014, 15:01 Published in Switzerland Switzerland

Hey all, today I will announce the winner of the Lottery!

The Winners are:

Paul Proteus wins 4 Rifles!
Burgieman wins 1 Rifle!
The Swiss Treasury wins 2.60 CHF!

Vote and Sub!


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The Ferret is Back!

2 Day 1,013, 13:06 Published in Switzerland Switzerland

Hey Guy's, I'm back from the land of Wind and Rain!

Don't worry, I didn't forget you:

[Insert Pic of me making a Swiss Sand-Flag on Barry Beach]

AND I went to a Cheese Factory!

But... I warn you... NEVER STAY IN A TRAVELODGE!

Vote and

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Gamers of the World, Unite!

12 Day 1,009, 14:41 Published in Switzerland Switzerland

In hatred of the eRepublik Admins.

I miss not losing health when I eat food.

I miss being able to work.

I miss tanks being able to do anything.

I miss not having to pay to have to do anything.

I will not quit though. The people

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Vote for Me! - Or Die.

4 Day 1,006, 10:55 Published in Switzerland Switzerland

Last night the house of Paul Proteus was attacked by cooldude97 Supporters. The attackers left this message on the doorstep.

Remember, Vote for Me - or Die!


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Weapons Lottery!

3 Day 1,005, 04:40 Published in Switzerland Switzerland

Hey all!

It's me, cooldude97! Today, I'm offering a brilliant deal for all you weapons enthusiasts!

I'm starting a lottery, with 10% of the money raised going to the Swiss National Bank!

Tickets 1CHF each, with 5 people each receiving

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