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The random articles about nonsense things that always pop up when you least expect it.

The Profession Merge A.K.A -Woah! Making food makes me good at buildings houses!

5 Day 1,029, 18:21 Published in South Korea South Korea

Recently, everybody's started to feel funny. We've all been working at our usual jobs. I had just finished my hours and got a start on the road home when my friend called me over to have a go at harvesting some grain. It was much easier than it

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Citizens : Where do I fit in all of this?

4 Day 1,019, 20:22 Published in South Korea South Korea

As the big bosses sell the goods you produced and the politicians argue about what's better for you, you endlessly click away at working, studying, training and relaxing. You wonder if you'll ever get ahead in your e-Life.

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Hello and 안녕 from eSouth Korea!

6 Day 1,006, 00:42 Published in Thailand Thailand

Hello Thailand! I'm Allen Wells, your ambassador from eSouth Korea. This article is written in hopes that you'll learn something about eSouth Korea. If not, then you can always refer to the Wiki page for a more detailed and understandable

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We should be grateful for our politicans!

4 Day 999, 23:05 Published in South Korea South Korea

Today at school, my class was asked to form into groups and create our own parties and goals. Didn't seem like a big problem, just discuss and come to an agreement right?

Boy, was I wrong.

I had one guy interrupting every single sentence just

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Just a short one about houses

11 Day 992, 02:31 Published in South Korea South Korea

When I looked at the housing market in v1, I saw finely built and sturdy homes that offered though little, constant benefits that everyone wanted.

Only problem with houses in v2 is that it's garunteed mother nature is going to absolutely [

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