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V1 another day

5 Day 330, 00:37 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Today there would be party elecitions for party president. New in V1 was that to be candidate you have to give the party 2 gold. So did some people in different parties.
In SPV there was the hope that Mariajozef founder of the party, would become

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Party Presidentional elections: the results

29 Day 326, 02:29 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

The voting is over. Let us see what happened in the eNetherlands political parties. Much is changed. Much interesting news.

Socialistische Partij van het Volk
Winner: zapleu 27 votes
(MariaJozef 16 (votes) (kalligank 4 votes)

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New party president for SPV

2 Day 325, 01:03 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Today there will be elections for party presidents. All members can vote for their party.

SPV will for sure have a different party president. Cocoamok said that she will need all her energy and time in being a good president for the eNetherlands.

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Linkse overwinning - victory for the left

7 Day 317, 01:24 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

door de verkiezing van Cocoamok als president van eNederland zal een Nederlandse vertaling wat langer duren. Onze excuses.

Due to the election of Cocoamok as president of the elections a translation in Dutch will not be there soon.

As we hoped

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Verkiezingen - Election day

0 Day 316, 01:23 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

(English below)
Vandaag is een belangrijke dag in eNederland. Nationale verkiezingen. Wie wordt er president en hoe wordt de samenstelling van het congres?

De burgers beslissen dat. Er zijn verschillende politieke partijen, met grote verschillen

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