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On A Serious Note!!!!

16 Day 897, 21:32 Published in Canada Canada

Dear eCanadians,

Our government and the citizens of British Columbia need your help. Despite the efforts of the eRCMP no one has been able to track down these two LITTLE BOYS who seem to go missing every year at this time of year. If you have any

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The Bubble Will Burst!!!!

27 Day 894, 01:08 Published in Canada Canada

Over the past week, wages in eCanada have skyrocketed to levels where owners are obviously taking losses of several CAD for many workers for each day of work. The fact that wages for skill 0, 1 and 2 workers are at levels greater than what skill 3,

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Petz Inc and Petz Inc Q2 Employee Appreciation Day

46 Day 891, 15:11 Published in Canada Canada

Winnipeg, Manitoba

With the break out of wars across the eWorld, our corporation understands that the price of products has seen an increase. In an effort to help out some of our employees, the family has decided to give back to employees who

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First It Was Iron, Then Grain......Now Wood........WTF Is Up With Jacobi?

37 Day 881, 00:42 Published in Canada Canada

Well it seems the #1 enemy of the eCanadian economy is at it again. Sources deep inside congress have indicated that Jacobi has now set his sights on destroying the Wood industry by proposing shutting down the government companies that produce

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26 Day 878, 03:09 Published in Canada Canada

Recently, Jacobi has been misleading the public to believe that his tax reform ideas would benefit eCanadians by bringing prices down for products while not impacting citizen's wages or their bottom line. Well my friends, those tax reform ideas will

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