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The Election is on the 15th

1 Day 508, 09:09 Published in Estonia Estonia

The election is on the 15th, not the 13th, or the 14th. A lot of people are confused about this, and it's partially my fault for aborting a plan to takeover the Republic of Estonia party. Please vote this up so people know.

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Hello Estonia! I'll be your moving ticket industry

0 Day 505, 15:27 Published in Estonia Estonia

I have an oil company in the US. I just scratched up enough money to make a moving ticket company here, in Estonia. However, I need an export license to get the oil here. I'm looking for loans and/or donations to pay for an export license for one of

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Leaving for Estonia

1 Day 505, 14:43 Published in USA USA

As always, I will take an analytical approach.
The reasons:
1. Too many people to get noticed in the US
2. Articles get pushed out of the most recent too quickly
3. There'll be less buisness competition
4. If I run for congress in Illinois, I'

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How to help the US economy

2 Day 501, 18:17 Published in USA USA

I was looking at Gobba's new world map:
and I was curious about the resources.
An analyis of the resources of the top countries by experience points in the game:

1. Romania
High Grain
High Wood
High Oil
High Iron

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How Atlantis can win this war.

10 Day 476, 20:32 Published in USA USA

I think most people would call what is going on a world war. However, Atlantis is not treating it like a World War. The United States is focused on conquering Mexico, Romania is focused on defending their regions, Pakistan is trying to reconquer

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