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Party Presidential Election Result

10 Day 908, 03:23 Published in Ireland Ireland

Let me introduce you a result analysis of the Party Presidential Candidates from most Parties in Ireland for the elections on the 15th of May.

Very few experience citizens were running in this elections maybe to do with exams and work in real

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Ireland's Wiki page updated and some new changes

18 Day 897, 10:22 Published in Ireland Ireland

Hello I am informing you of Ireland's wiki page which can be found here

Updated parts
The following parts have been updated :
- Government (will be updated after elections)

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My opinion on Presidential Candidates and my vote

15 Day 894, 10:46 Published in Ireland Ireland

Hello citizens of Ireland I am going to express my opinions on the Country Presidential Candidates for this month. This is not an article for mudslinging or insulting a Candidate just an opinion from your ole Irishman 😉.



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ISD need a leader?

15 Day 843, 15:15 Published in Ireland Ireland

Dear Ireland and Irish Social Democrats memebers,

I like to announce my candidacy for Party President of Irish Social Democrats. I wish to take ISD to a bigger step and … read more »

Ian Arbuckle Dáil Manifesto

12 Day 824, 10:59 Published in Ireland Ireland

Dear citizens of Southeast of eIreland,

I am putting myself foward on the Candidate ballot paper under Irish Social Democrats for the Dáil in Southeast of eIreland.


I was born on day 475 on March 9th 2009. When I first

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