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Move To Western Australia! Go! Go! Go!

4 Day 794, 04:46 Published in Australia Australia

Oh... wait, "that M0TT0M guy is running for Senate there."
"I wonder if we vote for him he'll shut up?"
......"Better yet vote for him because he is awesome and running for the AI party"
"Well this is true, he

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The First AI Member to Run For WA This Term

3 Day 793, 22:38 Published in Australia Australia

I am running for Senate in Western Australia and I am the first AI member to run for Western Australia. I hope I have the support from fellow Australian Independent members.


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Autralian Idependent Running For WA.

2 Day 793, 19:58 Published in Australia Australia

Hello all,

I am running for a seat in Senate, I am running in WA as an AI member, I know it means you will have to move over to WA to fight but you'll be saving time, we should all move to WA to help build a population.

Please vote for the

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Autralian Idependent Running For WA

0 Day 793, 19:36 Published in Australia Australia

Hello all,

Just a friendly reminder that I have put my card in the running for the upcoming Senate elections being held on 25th, I am hoping to gain a congressional seat as an AI member in the great state of eWestern Australia.

Please vote for

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Time For a Change (Not a Candidacy Ad).

1 Day 793, 08:44 Published in Australia Australia

I'm sure you know I am running for Seante in WA as an AI member here is the link explaining:

And Now For Something Completely Different,

Join The

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