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Global Aspirations

8 Day 458, 18:27 Published in USA USA

Letter From the Editor:

Guess what I found out how to do?!

Bold you sons-of-bitches! Fucking bold!


Hari Michaelson
The topic for discussion today is the New World we live in, and just what exactly the eUS

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eRep: The Cheese Enchiladas of MMOGs

13 Day 456, 22:04 Published in USA USA

---Letter From the Editor---

Who are you and how did you get into my office?

No, you may not write down what I'm saying for the new article. Stop. Put down the pen. Leave!

- Give-Me-The-Pen-Now
Hari Michaelson


As I showered my

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The Future of eIsrael

3 Day 456, 17:36 Published in USA USA

Letter from the Editor:

I'm trying to be serious here. So I'm going to stop talking.

- Seriously-serious
Hari Michaelson

First off, we here at The Muckraker wish to congraulate the eIsrael freedom fighters in their success against

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War: Not a Lulzy Matter Anymore

10 Day 455, 15:06 Published in USA USA

Letter from the Editor:


I understand that printing two articles in the same day (especially on the day of a paper's creation) is generally a pretty amateur move on an Editor's part. But in my defense, this is a pretty amateur

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First Edition, Speculation on eIndonesia, and the Topic of eChina

4 Day 455, 10:46 Published in USA USA

Letter from the Editor:


We here at The Muckraker are proud to bring you the finest in mediocre, over-played and over-reported news. If you heard it here, you probably heard it for the millionth time. But don't let that stop you from

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