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Whatever pops into my head, I'll write about it.

They Must Be Cursed

4 Day 655, 05:00 Published in Austria Austria

Hello Austrians. On this day I present to you a article on the recent misfortunes on a once promising Austrian party. Take a guess- who are they? Well ,that’s not the hardest question you’ll ever encounter-the answer is the Peoples Socialist Party

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Travis James- A New Face On The Scene

1 Day 650, 10:36 Published in Austria Austria

Hello, poeple of Austria. Today I bring you an offering of a in depth with Travis James, pary president of The Austrian Independece Party, hopefuly this interview will provide an insight into the AIP and it's PP.

1. Tell me a bit about yourself.

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I Have Returned

23 Day 648, 13:58 Published in Austria Austria

Hello, people of Austria, today I have returned to the nation that I call home. Hmmm you may thnk- he just left. All will be explained now; here is a breif summary of my troubled time in the philippines:

I arrived in the philippines; got a job;

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Tax Change: Grain

4 Day 647, 11:20 Published in Philippines Philippines

Hello. After I composed a article on the taxing of food being to high; i recived quite a bit of feedback saying that the taxes on grain should be altered, instead of the taxes on food. Therefore i propose a change of taxes on grain.

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Congress Tax

4 Day 644, 05:14 Published in Philippines Philippines

First off I would like to apolagize for miss spelling filipino- this was an honest mistake- it was not intended to upset anybody.

With the congress elections commencing this day, the matter of a congress tax came in to my mind.

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