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Taking the first step

14 Day 1,001, 15:54 Published in Canada Canada

to a better eCanada starts at home. I would like to publicly congratulate several DALers for their contributions to this country. First of all, Crisfire's food for e-

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The beating heart of eCanada

17 Day 1,000, 09:00 Published in Canada Canada

In the entirety of the history of eCanada, it has been rare to find a citizen willing not only to stand up to the system and say "no", but to successfully change it. In recent memory, Tyler Durden has been one such person. Let it be remembered, that

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Jbdivinus for PP; IMPORTANT

13 Day 999, 23:37 Published in Canada Canada

Throughout today, I have put up with a lot of abuse. Dirty advertising, slanderous accusations, and private messages sent to people accusing me of things.

Let me be clear... I plan to HELP the DAL. To work with my party, and to make it even

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Hello World

21 Day 998, 22:09 Published in Canada Canada

Thank you for clicking on the ad. It is a pleasure to have you here reading my paper. Since you were so nice to come by, comment, and I'll donate off a few prizes (houses, etc...)

Mainly this article is so you don't have to read the other crap I'

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19 Day 998, 21:15 Published in Canada Canada

More Content Coming.

If you really need another reason to vote for me, look at your homepage again 😃

Thank you all.


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