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SamWystan Can into Controversy?

11 Day 1,152, 09:55 Published in USA USA

Now as a loyal Libertarian I recieved a message from Iasov yesterday,

Greetings Fellow Libertarian Texas_ironman93

I write to you today not out of desperation as some might think but rather out of concern for our great nation. You see, a

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Tex In D.C.

5 Day 1,126, 14:00 Published in USA USA

I am Texas_Ironman93, and I want to be your congressman. I am a member of Model Congress, I've served 3 terms in congress in eIreland, I've been PP of the South African Military Capitalist Party, I've also been PP of the United States Capitalist

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The Case Against Taxes.

8 Day 1,079, 19:06 Published in New Zealand New Zealand

Now recently our new Kongress came into power and instituted new taxes. Now I've noticed a difference. I was recently was being propositioned by a friend to leave the company I work at and work for him. He asked my salary (which at the time was 3.7

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Tex Kan Into Kiwi Kongress Klub?

4 Day 1,066, 20:16 Published in New Zealand New Zealand

I, Texas_ironman93 am announcing my intent to run for Kongress in Wellington. I am running on the platform that eNZ has a lot of experienced people, we have the benefit of said experience. We Kan have a strong economy, a strong military, and a

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A Brighter Tomorrow and A Modest Proposal (A.K.A. Texmaxxxxxxx)

5 Day 1,031, 22:37 Published in Ireland Ireland

Go look at the recent admin article.... Back? I know right!!!1! Ok I am returning to the game from retirement and yeah.

A modest proposal, I am announcing my candidacy in Connecticut, I am a Capitalist, I want to transfer responsibility of any

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