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Workers of Ireland, Unite!

12 Day 1,074, 11:19 Published in Ireland Ireland

Workers of Ireland, Unite and Fight! You have nothing to lose but your chains and the world to win!

I hereby announce the creation of the Republican Communist Party of Ireland!


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For the Survival of the Czech Republic. Unite.

9 Day 1,051, 10:43 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

We have lost two of our regions. We currently have one region. Unless we can stop this internal bickering, and unite behind our president, the Czech Republic will fall.

The movement is in a bad place. We are engaging in bickering and internal

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Join IRC for Free Weapons and Food

10 Day 1,050, 14:17 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

Utku Akin is giving out free food and werapons to help fight against slovakia in the communist irc at #svoboda on rizon. Join now for free weapons and food of all kinds!

Here's a link

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Saviour of the CSR! Dr.Skin!!!!

15 Day 1,050, 13:00 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

Comrades, minutes ago, Slovakia invaded moravia. Their intention was to have Khalid win the elections, and then retreat all Czech Republic regions back to Slovakia. But no, we prevail against all the odds! Skin has taken the leadership position from

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Victory Is Ours

12 Day 1,050, 00:26 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

We have turned back and crushed the polish invaders at Moravia. We have stopped one of eRep's largest superpowers with only a population of 500. Now it is time to retake North Bohemia, and once we have done that, we must exact revenge on Poland for

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