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And It Looks Over

0 Day 351, 17:45 Published in Japan Japan

Just like when Obama won the Big3 of the midwest (wisc, minn, mich) it seems like Fonti will be the next president of the eJapan. And that we fail for have about 30% of the pop voting 🙁


Good job Fonti

I hope this next month will be

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MY Support Of Office in Mulitple Nations

2 Day 349, 07:54 Published in Japan Japan

I like to give a little shoutout, to some of the people who I hope win the elections. I hope people read this, and give it some votes so that other people may get my view point.

The first country I'll talk about is the USA. I would like

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Idea For The Church

9 Day 334, 10:53 Published in Japan Japan

While an not a supporter of any ereligion yet, for the choices are not that widespread I have an idea that will give the church REAL power (the dio church may use this as well but it would be a little different)
Below I have posted Pope Voltare's

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Starting A Company

1 Day 330, 16:28 Published in Japan Japan

Yes its true, going to adveritise on the forum as well, but I want to start a org (5 gold) and then it cost 20 more gold to make the company, I'll make that, then you can donate me some (half like 12 or something) and well be on our way!!!!

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Artice 1 of V1

1 Day 329, 19:35 Published in Japan Japan

Hey guys, I got some questions but also want to greet everyone making the trip to V1
I hope we can all have fun here!
Anyway, what the deal with housing?
If i buy a house, and I move can I sell my house???

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