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Lietuvių Demokratų Partija čia!

12 Day 773, 06:28 Published in Lithuania Lithuania

English version below

Šią puikią, naujųjų, 2010 metų, dieną, aš išdidžiai pristatau jums naujos partijos įkūrimą! Lietuvių Demokratų Partija yra įkūrta tam, kad … read more »

ELVIS: A new alliance

15 Day 749, 06:06 Published in Lithuania Lithuania

Well, we have PHOENIX, and we have PEACE, ATLANTIS, EDEN, and the Brolliance. Every one of these alliances claims to be for pease, for freedom, and yet everyone of them attacks, conquers, and colonises it's neighbors. It is time for some honesty!

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Interview with Dionizas, and my endorsement

0 Day 745, 14:24 Published in Lithuania Lithuania


LR: So, Dionizas, you have returned to the party presidency of Sajudis. Could you try and tell us what it is like, what your duties are, and so on, to be party president of Lithuania's largest political party?

😨 Main duties are to

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Interview with Svaike

8 Day 743, 14:19 Published in Lithuania Lithuania

Well, this morning I got up and hopped into my Yugo, and speeded off to the headquarters of LLS, Lietuvos Laisves Sajunga to meet Svaike, LLS's candidate for the presidency. I had never spoken with Svaike before, but we immediately got off to a good

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Interview with Ignas Grinevicius (and special guest Cawx!)

15 Day 742, 06:08 Published in Lithuania Lithuania

Well, here we go with another set of interviews. In the next few days, I will be interviewing Dionizas (endorsed by Sajudis and the LNP), and Svaike (endorsed by LSS.) But we’ll start off with the accidental incumbent, Mr. Ignas Grinevicius,

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