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Predictions for Presidential Elections - February

2 Day 441, 17:48 Published in Japan Japan

There are three official presidential candidates currently: Akki, Hitoshi Makoto, and InfernoSD. I believe it is pretty obvious that Akki would be the winner in this race without any further analysis. There are a little more than 100 active citizens

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Brief Bios of Hokkaido Congressional Candidates - January

8 Day 425, 08:47 Published in Japan Japan

The congressional elections this month will be a little different from the December race. Although many of the candidates are the ones from before, some new candidates have joined the race as well. One major difference is the departure of eIranian

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Kato Is Running for Congress

0 Day 423, 12:43 Published in Japan Japan

I hereby declare my candidacy for a congressional seat. This will be my entry into the eJapanese politics and I am very excited to have the opportunity to serve this great country. I have been one of the most active citizens in eJapan since I joined

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Kodoha Party Is Under eJapanese Control

6 Day 418, 09:17 Published in Japan Japan

The Kodoha Party, the former eIranian group, has been taken over by eJapanese citizens Ice_Freeze and Tohru. However, the majority of the party members is still eIranian, and even includes four active congressmen.

These four congressmen are:

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Brand New Corporation Launched in Kinki

0 Day 409, 12:42 Published in Japan Japan

Today, I have founded the Yoshiyama Corporation. The corporation currently does not own any company; however, I have proposed a plan for it to become a multinational conglomerate. All

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