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11 Day 640, 15:49 Published in Greece Greece

Please see the photo of our beloved turkey. She has been lost somewhere in the Aegean Sea. Whoever finds her, can consume her!

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Turkey's most valiable and well defenced TOP SECRET

16 Day 640, 13:52 Published in Greece Greece

The BRAINS behind their big decisions!!!!


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eTurkey can be so serious, yet so funny

14 Day 639, 15:26 Published in Turkey Turkey

Our dearest friends, the mighty (e)turks, have promised us a slow death!

We promise you that our DOG will be as much polite as it can towards the poor cat that came, once again, to our Lands, with so many dreams of plunder and destruction - the

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eTurkey can be so serious, yet so funny

22 Day 639, 14:37 Published in Greece Greece

Our dearest friends, the mighty (e)turks, have promise us a slow death!

We promise you that our DOG will be as much polite as it can towards the poor cat that came, once again, to our Lands, with so many dreams of plunder and destruction - the

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9 Day 635, 01:57 Published in Greece Greece

Μερικά ενδιαφέροντα στοιχεία σε σχέση με τους στρατάρχες των δυο χωρών. Τα στοιχεία αυτά υποκεινται σε συνεχείς αλλαγές, ειναι ενδεικτικά καΙ αφορούν στην 16.8.2009

ΣΤΡΑΤΑΡΧΕΣ (Field Marshals)

σύνολο 27 με μέσο όρο εμπειρίας 3,117

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