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About the Presidential Elections [EN/EE]

9 Day 560, 13:17 Published in Estonia Estonia

Hello citizens of Estonia, I am running for CP and there is something I wanted to point out. 1. That my Vice President will be naruto kun10. 2. What I believe is a hint of racism or national pride.
In the closing days of these elections I have

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Johny Gomez for President of Estonia

12 Day 557, 20:42 Published in Estonia Estonia

Hello citizens of Estonia. I will be running for Country President for Estonia. I promise new changes and improvement for our national security.

1. Keep and maintain peace with the world
2. Continue War Games.
3. Alliance with Latvia

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Johny Gomez for Congress

6 Day 549, 14:56 Published in Estonia Estonia

Hello citizens of Estonia. I will be running for Congress in the Pohja region for the RoE. I will give you main points on what I plan to do if elected.

1. Keep and maintain peace with the world
2. Continue War Games.
3. Alliance with Latvia

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The Estonian Stock Market

3 Day 541, 12:13 Published in Estonia Estonia

Hello everyone let me introduce you to my newest project, the Estonian Stock Market.

What is the Estonian Stock Market?
The purpose of the Estonian Stock Market is that companies and investors can make a lot of money and also stimulate the

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Vote for Johny Gomez for RoE

8 Day 539, 14:13 Published in Estonia Estonia

Hello people of Estonia. I am here to announce my running for PP of RoE. I promise a dead broken party a new beginning after the Hungarian TO. I promise to make a democracy where the majority of the people are not just in one party. I am

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