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Suggested Taxes

5 Day 508, 19:53 Published in Estonia Estonia

Income Tax-- Import Tax ----VAT
food 10%

10 %
gift 10%
10 %
weapon 10%
10 %
moving tickets … read more »

What Is Being Done To Stop The TO?

10 Day 507, 13:55 Published in Estonia Estonia

"We are going to be TO'd!"
"Lets stop the TO"
"My party is not going to TO"
"You can trust me I will not be trying to TO"

These are things that have been tossed up and down Estonia from the start. What has been done?
I have not written much

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Johny Gomez for Congress

2 Day 486, 09:05 Published in Singapore Singapore

Hello citizens of eSingapore. As you already know from reading the title I am going to be running for Congress once again. Now, to those new voters that never knew our first election was a disaster. We got politically taken over by Romanians, which

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To Woshiempire and William Safer and Good Citizens of Singapore

6 Day 464, 14:26 Published in Singapore Singapore

No dobt we ARE under a PTO(Political Takeover). If you did not hear 1000 gold is under a proposal right now to go into the account of MKWB a Romanian Org.

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Attention Singapore on Upcoming Elections

6 Day 462, 19:44 Published in Singapore Singapore

Attention eSingaporeans, the vote you place tomorrow is a VERY important one.

As all of you might know Ice_Freeze wrote an article about people from other coutrys trying to take a political takeover.(

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