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Bob Boblo Permanently Banned from the UK Forum!

13 Day 879, 05:17 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Despite the forum rules listing the punishment for 5 warnings as a 1 day ban, well respected citizen Bob Boblo has been irrationally given a permanent ban, The reasons for this are unkown, though the Admin team commented 'Once again showed that (he)

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The BOBLO Awards: Part 2

14 Day 878, 05:48 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Part 1 can be found here:

Award Giving Award
Bob Boblo

Award Giving Award Giving Award
Bob Boblo

Award for oustanding service in the field of ear

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The BOBLO Awards: Part 1

14 Day 877, 05:23 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Ladies and Gentlemen, Cats and Kittens, this article is part one of the third Boblo Awards. Less serious than the British Acadamy, but more serious than the Nobel Peace Prize, the Boblo awards are perfectly placed to provide a light hearted but

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Bob Boblo Gossip Column: Edition 2

6 Day 876, 10:09 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

I have all manner of lewd secrets to dispense

- The idea for the new forums were proposed by a squirrel who was on methadrone.
- The Autobots are actually treansformers, and they plan to take over erep as a dress rehearsal for conquering planet

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Bob Boblo for FDP PP: A Manifesto

7 Day 873, 05:42 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

There comes a time in each party's life cycle where they need a form mind to grab them around the scruff of the neck. UKRP had Dish. TUP had Iain Keers. PCP had Johnobrow. Now it is the turn of FDP. The FDP languishes in 6th place, uncertain of its

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