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This is ''The Fighting Independent'', one of switzerland's oldest+coolest newspapers. it was founded on day 2050, and it delivers quality/funny/wild news ever since!

swiss news: valentines day event?!

12 Day 4,470, 14:23 Published in Switzerland Switzerland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Dear swiss people and friends, hello!

As i was saying in my previous article, ''it would be great if we would have a new seasonal quest (such as for valentines day), in order to fight some battles, to do some missions, and to earn a medal or two

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swiss news: an extra anniversary?

13 Day 4,468, 13:18 Published in Switzerland Switzerland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Dear swiss people and friends, hello!

As i was patiently waiting for us to reach the epic day of 4,500 in erepublik, i suddenly was informed, that we have another anniversary of a less famous event in the game:

the: ''In the following weeks''

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swiss news: day 4444, and new ideas?

21 Day 4,444, 14:21 Published in Switzerland Switzerland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Dear swiss people and friends, hello!

Today, we've reached a unique new achievement for erepublik:
we witness day 4444!
wow, 4 numbers, placed in 4 rows...
the unique day 4444 is upon us.

and talking about numbers, do you think that

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swiss news: japan's demise?

15 Day 4,430, 15:16 Published in Switzerland Switzerland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Dear swiss people and friends, hello!

Today, an alarming thing has happened to e-japan.
according to various sources from the e-japanese goverment, one of the major e-bank profiles of e-japan (if not its primary economic account), has been

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swiss news: merry christmas, and events?

8 Day 4,418, 13:56 Published in Switzerland Switzerland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Dear swiss people and friends, hello!

first of all, the important update of today is:
merry christmas!

and lets hope that there will be a new christmas mission, or a few christmas-themed quests/tasks to complete...

yeah, like i've said,

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