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A Fourth Congressional Term

2 Day 830, 20:58 Published in Germany Germany

Well, after the polls closed the other day, it was official... I became Congressman of Saarland for the fourth consecutive term. I could not have done it without the support from all of you. I thank you so much. Sorry that this article was a bit

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Enhancing Your eRepublik Experience

9 Day 828, 20:42 Published in Germany Germany

Hello my fellow Germans!

I have noticed something over my eRepublik life, and that is that the German community is fantastic. In fact, if it were not for the amazing people I met on the IRC (Konrad Neumann, GeBe, Moritz von Sachsen, Donnie Bronco,

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Alex Drex For Congress! [Saarland February, 2010]

10 Day 825, 22:37 Published in Germany Germany

It's voting season once again, my dear fellow Germans!

I am running for my 4th term as Congressman from Saarland. I have served 4 consecutive terms so far, and would

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Our Future - Time To Seize It!

27 Day 818, 15:32 Published in Germany Germany

Germany has, throughout much of its history, been stuck between a rock and a hard place, so to say. On multiple occasions over the years we have been oppressed by our neighbors. Our population is much smaller and less experienced than some of our

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From Germany With Love!

21 Day 811, 18:13 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Hello my dear friends in the United Kingdom!

As you all undoubtedly know, EDEN has finally decided to invade your country. And as many of you

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