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Q5 House Lottery Winner has been drawn

9 Day 695, 05:25 Published in USA USA

And the winner is with Ticket number 191

Jim Hidar


I would like to know if anyone would like me to do another lottery? If so what should we do a lottery for? Another Q5 house or something diffrent. Let me know.

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NO NEW TAXES!!!!!!!!!!

24 Day 691, 19:26 Published in USA USA

Wow our economy is in the dumps and the government raises taxes on food 4%...... all I read about is how hard it is for a new player to start the game and afford food.... the wages are going down, no one is making money...... so lets raise the taxes.

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Q5 House Lottery

61 Day 688, 20:27 Published in USA USA

I know I am not alone when I saw houses are expensive.... very expensive.1686 USD is the cheapest Q5 house on the market right now. Since it will be forever before I can afford one I figure there are a lot of people in my shoes. So here is the plan:

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How many other RL Devil Dogs are out there?

2 Day 688, 19:45 Published in USA USA

I just wanted to post this so I can see how many fellow Marines are playing. Just hit the vote button so I can see if I am all by myself or if I am surronded by brothers.

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I'm new but why does the powerful USA only have a few defense systems/hospitals

18 Day 688, 19:30 Published in USA USA

I have been playing for a few weeks now and I am trying to under stand why the government treasury is full but we only have two states with defense systems and a few with hospitals. I hear daily that we need to go to war and beleave me I am all for

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