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Rolo's Reconciliation? Where's his Remorse, Repentance, and Restitution?

29 Day 1,450, 10:47 Published in Canada Canada Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

It seems to me many in our community here are mixing up two distinct concepts – forgiveness and reconciliation.

Forgiveness is where the Offended Party, offers unconditionally, and from the heart, to no longer hold the Offending Party guilty

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The Congressional Inactivity Debate: My Contribution.

9 Day 1,175, 00:30 Published in Canada Canada

I’ve just been on IRC now, and watched what may loosely be called a debate (maybe more of a battle of insults?) between Aeriala and Rylde over how inactive Congress has been on the Forums, and all the details that go with it.


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On Feel Good Stories and Parasites.

12 Day 1,149, 12:28 Published in Canada Canada

The truth is, everyone loves one.

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[CPF] Running In Saskatchewan

3 Day 1,127, 22:37 Published in Canada Canada

I'm back at it - attempting to win a seat in Saskatchewan.

If I win a seat, I'll hold our government

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Wilhelm Gunter for PP of the CPF

12 Day 1,119, 19:34 Published in Canada Canada

With the declaration of my candidacy for the Canadian Progressive Front, there are a few compelling – I hope! – reasons why I believe I should be the next PP of this storied party.


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