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Message to FPM!

32 Day 492, 11:53 Published in Philippines Philippines

This is a message by ANTHONY TRAFFORD to the members of FPM, and should only be considered as that-- a message by one citizen.


You are trying to take control of a nation that has started to just get control of itself! You

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Improve Pinoy Food Market!

8 Day 488, 05:44 Published in Philippines Philippines

My friends, My Countrymen, My brothers, My Sisters, my fellow ePhili citizens. I come to you and ask you if you find yourself in a higher quality food company that charges 23,25 PHP for Q4 food to QUIT YOUR JOB. 5,50 PHP for Q2 food? QUIT! 5,42, 2,

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First Defense ~ Food

6 Day 487, 05:38 Published in Philippines Philippines

Late last night First Defense made its first step into becoming what it meant to do when first create😛 Save Pinoys with cheap food. In First Defense ~ Food, all Pinoys working will receive Q1 Food Free if they work everyday. They will be paid

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Message to Food Companies!

6 Day 485, 18:40 Published in Philippines Philippines

This is a quick message to all food companies in the ePhilippines.

Lower Your Prices!

Minimum wage can not afford 2.29 food EVERY DAY.


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Hello, Goodbye!

8 Day 480, 09:48 Published in Philippines Philippines

Thank you, Congress. Thank you, MaeveTraugott Thank you... Bunaly?... Surprisingly, the coward President elect bunaly, asked why he wasn't impeached. Saying "blitz deserves to be president" (not the exact words). But I have to give SOME respect to

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