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Srsly, WTF?

15 Day 805, 14:32 Published in USA USA

A few minutes ago, I received a message from the Admin as a warning

Hello, you have been warned for saying this comment:"EDEN bear-hug! KILL REDCOATS!!!"
You have not respected the 2nd eRepublik Citizen Law, regarding racism.

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4 Day 804, 15:59 Published in USA USA

EDEN finally did it! We are giving the eUK the bear hug that we have all been waiting for. And since the eUK is made of fail, along with the fact that they are surrounded on all sides by enemies, they have no chance 🙂 We have the [url=http://www.

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Get Your Act Together Erep...

7 Day 803, 07:40 Published in USA USA

Seriously Erep... These bugs are ungodly annoying. We keep on hearing about these amazing new modules coming out in a month or two, and that's great and all, but we the players would prefer these bugs to be fixed first...even if you have to delay

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Get Your Act Together EDEN...

13 Day 802, 07:41 Published in USA USA

*I wrote a much better version of this article earlier, but Erep ate it, so you'll just have to do with this

Seriously. WTF has happened to our coordination? Our Comradery? Our Unity? We have Romanians angry at us for not helping … read more »

Come On EDEN...

12 Day 795, 15:33 Published in USA USA

Poland, Spain, Sweden, and now Canada have attacked the eUK on separate occasions, all activating powerful MPPs against themselves. Why don't we just freaking invade them already??? We have 4 countries bordering them that are obviously willing to

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