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[UKR] Ukraine Your'e offered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Don't screw up!

21 Day 647, 01:12 Published in Ukraine Ukraine

In order for this game to make money for the owners there must be wars. Since the game is boring without wars, sooner or later somebody would start one. Or lose the players because of boredom. You neighbors are eHungary, eRussia, ePoland and

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[IDN] Californians, It's Pay-Back Time!

20 Day 646, 09:29 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

As a token of appreciation for Indonesia's invasion you should fight RED (for the Resistance) in New Mexico.

Have fun and kick butt!

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[IDN]3rd Day - While I Was Having Fun The Tide Has Turned for Good!!!

17 Day 646, 04:32 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

It was fun sabotaging the “Serbian Weapons” company two days in a row. However its manager finally learned the lesson and cancelled the job offers.

So I was happily unemployed, ready to have fun with another Peace-owned company. Do keep in mind

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[IDN] My Second Day in Indonesia

10 Day 645, 01:29 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

As expected, the general manager of "Serbian Weapons" fired me. Too bad he fired me too early - close to midnight ERP time day 644. So I hired myself back right when day 645 begun and drained another 10.88 IDR out of that company. After buying

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[IDN] My First Day in Indonesia

13 Day 644, 02:26 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

Picture: The Dutch Commander Raymond "Turk" Westerling, another famous tourist to Indonesia
Day 643, right before midnight eRepublik time:

After fighting in Louisiana I check once more the backpack. It has nothing inside except 3 … read more »