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MoF - Economical Situation and Accounts at 14/11/09

3 Day 725, 14:04 Published in Norway Norway

Good night!

Here we have a new bulletin of The Bank, which purpose is to make norwegians know how goes the economical situation..

1. Bank Accounts.

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MoF - Economical Situation and Accounts at 26/10/09

6 Day 706, 15:48 Published in Norway Norway

Good night!

First, my apologies for not to publish a bulletin last week. I couldn't due to RL issues.

In today's article we have a lot of things to tell to Norway's population.

1. Bank Accounts.

In the last article you
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MoF - Presentation and Accounts at 12/10/09

6 Day 692, 17:06 Published in Norway Norway

Good night!

Since now, from the Norwegian Goverment we start to publish a weekly bulletin in order to inform the population how the Norwegian economy is evolving.

In this way, at 12th October, The Bank of Norway has these
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