Ambient on/off

A return to Sarcasm.

20 Day 681, 05:53 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

It's been a while since I have written, so I thought I would be as petty as possible; as it is usually to your liking. I went to Nando's the other day and had, yes you guessed it, Chicken. Although the food was ok, I disliked having to get up and

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Pictures from the last week.

5 Day 645, 09:24 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Here are a few pictures, tweaked and tampered, for your enjoyment in between your after dessert and after dinner Port.


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And now for our feature film...

3 Day 644, 12:06 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Films. They've been around longer than Gary Glitter, and most probably touched more children than him too. Great actors like Erol Flynn, Bruce Willis and Christopher Walken. Similarly, great actresses like Lisa Ray, Monica Bedi and Roma. Never heard

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Reality TV

10 Day 635, 04:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Before I start, I just want to say, today is the launch of my website, so please go take a look and join the forums! Please click here.

In George Orwell's 1984, we were constantly reminded that 'Big

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In Between Writing....

2 Day 634, 04:56 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

I am very calm at the moment, I have settle down to a ham and pickle sandwich, thrown a few darts at my Glen Hoddle dart board and have found a new song to attempt to cheer me up. It's called Xanadu, by Olivia Newton John. In my opinion, she should

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