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Do you feel like there is something wrong with the world, but you aren't sure what it is?

The Age of Heros

2 Day 1,103, 19:52 Published in USA USA

The eU.S. was being counted out. Only one state stood between the U.S. and annihilation. The stakes were high and we needed a few heroes.

They rallied their troops and charged in, balls out! !
When the smoke settled, they had regained a

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3 Looming Concerns

9 Day 1,099, 19:50 Published in USA USA

I surveyed about a hundred new citizens to see what their greatest concerns were.
#1 Starting a business
#2 Choice of weapons
#3 Starting a paper
Saving enough money for a buisness is possable, but not if you have a desire to do 2 or 3 and it

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Why Do We Play eRepublic

0 Day 1,089, 21:22 Published in USA USA

Welcome all citizens.

Many times, I`ve been asked, (What is your favorite thing about eRepublik?) In the wake of recent changes to the game, I was asked Today, (Why do you play eRepublic?)

#1 Friends
#2 Media
#3 Forums
#4 I.R.

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A Tale of Courage

2 Day 1,078, 20:44 Published in USA USA

Hello, my name is Courage and I`m a gamer:

On June 10th, 2010 I joined a support group for gamers.

I`ve always been a fan of war games. I come from a family of games. I cut my teeth on PackMan when I was 5. It wasn`t really for me.

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Profiles in Courage

3 Day 1,075, 21:53 Published in USA USA

Welcome all citizens.

Profiles in Courage:
Change is constant but people don`t like it. there is no better example than V2. I lost many of my friends in V2.

Herr Nicholas
CJ Rage
Jess 1986
Huxley Red

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