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Help Populate Switzerland

10 Day 420, 22:34 Published in Switzerland Switzerland

As Minister of Welfare, one of my jobs is recruiting.

Switzerland is facing a serious problem of an economic failure. We do not have enough people to support the country. EVERYONE needs to be recruiting people to come live in Switzerland.

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Buy Swiss Wood!

1 Day 419, 15:33 Published in Switzerland Switzerland

Swiss Wood currently has about 192 units of wood being sold for 2 chf each. Because of the lack of wood being purchased on the Swiss markets, a week or two ago I purchased a import license to Ireland. If the wood is on sale in Ireland send me a pm

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Swiss Wood is now Q2!!

3 Day 415, 17:57 Published in Switzerland Switzerland

I upgraded to Q2 today so now Switzerland will have its first Q2 wood company.

This hopefully will help our housing companies further.

I also have one employee position open that I hope someone will fill. All employees receive help finding

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Minister List and National Forums!

2 Day 414, 16:14 Published in Switzerland Switzerland

Hello everyone,
With Big Brother's recent election victory we now have a list of ministers to help Switzerland become the best country in eRepublik. Each minister has previous experience in their current ministerial position. It appears Switzerland

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Recruitment Drive for Swiss Wood Company!

3 Day 413, 17:09 Published in Switzerland Switzerland

Right now Swiss Wood has lots of jobs openings and if you have a good land skill we want you!

All Employees get good pay, a bonus at the end of the month, and help securing housing if you do not already own a house.

Go here to apply: [url=http:

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