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My Travels and Some Updates and a Warm Welcome

6 Day 555, 09:08 Published in India India

Well, I'm currently still stationed in Indonesia, nearly a rank up militarly wise and I've gained a level a day since I've left but now its 25 EXP instead of 10 so it could take a little bit longer 😃
Basically Indonesian papers are FILLED with

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Your One-a-Day News Pill

1 Day 554, 18:10 Published in India India

Well, I'd just like to inform everyone that I think I'll continue writing at least one article a day, some days it might actually be about something that matters other days it could just be some thing that pops into my head and feel like writing

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The Miltary Opportunity of a Life Time!

3 Day 554, 10:01 Published in India India

Well, I recently embarked on my one month training tour with nearly all expenses paid for, while I won't be around in India I will come back sometime before congressional elections and will continue reading other eIndian papers.
I'm currently in

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To The Veterans

0 Day 552, 06:07 Published in India India

Now Memorial day may just be a USA holiday but why shoudn't we all take a moment to remember those who died fighting for a cause across the world? Even if some men or women who died may not have been fighting for what they believed in or what you

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An eIndian Platoon trial member experiance

3 Day 551, 10:03 Published in India India

As I am still pretty new to the eWorld this platoon experiance was very interesting and fun. Being able to travel around to fight and gain experiance as well as damage toward a new military rank was a very exciting experiance. Overall I believe that

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