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Tales from the DAL- II: Politics and Sex..... and the Death of Argityarg, Again

6 Day 759, 23:44 Published in Canada Canada

From Three Word Story

It was Christmas, and everyone was rejoicing at the peace treaty between EDEN and PHOENIX.

Hungary is a powerful and hated entity of awesomeness which, in time, turned out to be a strange black hole. But the horrific

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Tales from the DAL- I: The Deaths of Argityarg and the Scorpius Complex

17 Day 759, 15:27 Published in Canada Canada

(Taken from one of our delightful Three Word Story threads)

One misty evening, with the moon so bright and shining, Dominik went to meet Osama Bin Laden in his cave and was armed with cake and other food items.

An ultimate death-match

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This is what I come back to?

28 Day 747, 08:57 Published in Canada Canada

After a long absence, I have returned to Canada. This is what awaits my eyes? What happened? Where is the eCanada I knew before I left? The administration of the anti-oligarchical movement is 7-times in power, becoming the closest Canada has come to

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Dominik Returns- No Apology

13 Day 746, 11:24 Published in Canada Canada

The purpose of this brief article is primarily to highlight the fact that Dominik has decided to return to active politics. The reason I have made this decision, lies in the lack of a sense of humour among Canadians, the lack of any radicalism (

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Introducing: The LSA (Not to be Confused with LSD)

3 Day 586, 11:06 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

Although I may or may not have been under its influence when I wrote this.

I'd like to introduce to you my new political party: the Libertarian Socialist Alliance (LSA). The main goal of the party will be to increase social liberties, establish

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