Ambient on/off


9 Day 2,351, 12:48 Published in Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment


Scriu acest articol pentru toti cei ce sunt dispusi sa vada ceea ce se intampla si care sunt dispusi sa lupte pentru ceea ce ei considera ca este drept chiar daca legea nu le permite. Adresez o ruga... celor din Romania, celor din

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Schimbari la Guvern

33 Day 2,344, 02:55 Published in Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Buna ziua Moldova,

Dupa cum bine v-ati dat seama din titlu vreau sa anunt o schimbare in echipa de guvernare. Cassyo va lua in primire functia de MoD si odata cu aceasta datoria de a conduce ostile Moldovei in lupta impotriva bulgarilor.


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Dune VII: Candidatura-Capitolul Nescris

42 Day 2,326, 05:34 Published in Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Seara Buna, Moldova
Ziua Buna, Moldova

In functie de ora la care cititi acest articol prin care imi anunt oficial candidatura la presedentia eMoldovei, avand sustinerea … read more »

Esperanto isi completeaza echipa

10 Day 1,288, 12:49 Published in Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

“In our meeting there are no strong or weak, privileged or unfavoured ones, nobody is humiliated, nobody is harassed; we all support one another upon a neutral foundation, we all have the same rights, we all feel ourselves the members of the same

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Fight for the E.U. Capital

6 Day 787, 16:13 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Flamands wake up!Fight for Brussels

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