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Владимир Ильич Ленин!

15 Day 519, 12:46 Published in Russia Russia

Hello fellow Russian comrades, and non-communists,

Today is a great day for communism, we remember Vladimir Ilyich Lenin in his 139th birthday. His teachings and contributions to human society will never be forgotten.


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Türkiye, Wellness Tamamlama Zamanı!

7 Day 518, 23:45 Published in Turkey Turkey

Arkadaşlar, görebileceğiniz üzere Çin Kore'ye saldırmış durumda. Savaşa şuradan ulaşabilirsiniz:

Şahsi görüşüm sorulursa, stoklar kesinlikle eritilmemeli, düşük kaliteli silahlarla saldırı

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Fight for the honor of your countries, GO PEACE and INDONESIA!

17 Day 515, 22:05 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

My friends,

Today is a glorious day for PEACE and Indonesia. It looks like Indonesia is gaining power in both battles, and taking its lands back from the enemy. We should keep struggling and not let Romanians defeat the rest of the world.


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Endonezya Savaşı Çevirebilir mi?

4 Day 515, 21:55 Published in Turkey Turkey

Endonezya son savaşların aksine iyi bir performans sergiliyor... Rusya'nın açtığı savaşta duvarı 250,000 civarına getirseler bile … read more »

Dear Russian Comrades!

13 Day 515, 01:34 Published in Russia Russia


I wrote this tiny article to be the first foreigner for congratulating your declaration of war against imperialist Romanians! I hope you will have the power to liberate your captured lands from those greedy Rumens, their terrorizing

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